Monday, August 24, 2009

Faker...Is That Your Boy?

Do you remember Faker from Masters of the Universe? The Evil Robot of Skeletor? No? You probably know him better as The Weird-Ass Blue He-Man. Supposedly Faker was a robot employed by Skeletor to impersonate He-Man. Faker was a perfect replica for He-Man in every way. Except for the fact that he was blue. And that he had red hair. And different armor. And a bright orange sword.

Other than those few sticking points Faker could apparently pass for He-Man. Keep in mind, the Eternians never seemed to notice the fact that Prince Adam and He-Man are the same person so, while they may have been The Masters of the Universe, they were not the smartest people in the universe. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and say that they were tired from working out all the time (seriously does anyone on the planet not have a six-pack?) and maybe having town hall debates about health care or whatever it is that they do when they are not keeping Skeletor out of Castle Grayskull.

Faker was recently released as a premium action figure on as part of the Masters of the Universe Classics series. The Evil Robot of Skeletor has an awesome funky paint job and removable armor to reveal...a pair of old-school magnetic tape rolls! How wacky is that? Apparently he was like an evil Omnibot 2000.

Faker looks appropriately pissed off but wouldn't you be if you were him? It can't be easy being the the most inept attempt at an evil twin in the history of pop culture, literally the red headed stepchild of Masters of the Universe, but damn it if he is not a cool action figure.

Here's the old Faker for comparison:

Here he is in action:

Heman - Funny videos are here

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