Saturday, November 28, 2009

King Randor...Is That Your Boy?

Seriously, put some damn pants on.

December's new Masters of the Universe Classics action figure at is King Randor who looks like the bastard love child of Kurt Russell in The Thing and the Burger King mascot. With all the cool MOTU characters yet to be made, King Randor is sort of a weird choice. He never really did much in any of the cartoons apart from offering the occasional bit of sage advice or chuckle wisely. I think we may have our first real pegwarmer of the line.
The character in the 1980's, when shorts were short.

My real issue with this figure is a certain lack of, I don't know...pants. He's got a lot going on up on his torso with armor and long sleeves and below the waist it's like nothing but creamy man legs as far as the eye can see.

Finally! You get to play with the hero's dad!

I would hate to be in the Eternian Royal Court and have to look up at this dude sitting on his throne flashing his junk all day long. Now, I've seen a couple of different versions of this figure and it seems that the final version may have legs painted a weird spray-tanned orange to replicate his "tights," which is not a whole lot better. I'm no fashionista but I don't think that particular shade of red goes with that particular shade of orange.

If I had it my way, your outfit wouldn't clash so badly.

King Randor will go on sale on December 15th along with the bonus figure of The Goddess. This may be the first instance of the bonus figure outselling the monthly figure. We'll see. But if you want Randor, I'm sure he'll be hanging around for a while.

And they didn't use this 2002 design, why?.

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