Revolutionary Road came out this week on Blu-Ray (and for those still living in the dark ages, DVD) and I recommend checking it out. Not for the fact that you'll think you might see Kate Winslet naked for the umpteenth time (Spoiler! You don't) or to see Leo in yet another role where he looks way to young to be playing such an adult role (don't get me wrong, he's a great actor but he still doesn't look like a man to me). No, the reason to watch this film is for a different reason. My man Michael Shannon!
Who? You've seen him before. He has that type of face you remember seeing but can't quite place. You would have seen him in Vanilla Sky, Tigerland, Pearl Harbor, World Trade Center, 8 Mile and possibly, just possibly, Kangaroo Jack. He stole the show from several Academy Award winners and nominees in Revolutionary Road while picking up a nomination himself. He of course lost to Heath Ledger, but I guaranfuckingtee he'll pick up another nom before Pauls pick Katherine Heigl.
I've actually seen Michael Shannon in person twice. The first time I was at Pick Me Up Cafe with a girl in a booth by the window when this guy strolls by, looks me dead in the eye and keeps on walkin. I said, "Hey I know that guy." I knew I had seen him in a film but didn't remember which at the time. Finally, he walked back the other way, looking as if he were trying to place where he had seen me before (I had been in the studio audience for the Bozo show). It was then that I remembered seeing him in the legendary classic Bad Boys II.
The next time I would see him was when I went to see a new play at the Red Orchid Theater with another girl. Yeah, that's how I roll. I didn't know who would be in the play at the time, and I still don't! But the person who would sell me my ticket that day would go on to be nominated for an Academy Award. This time I had remembered him from Bad Boys II, but I still didn't know his name. Now I'm no star f'er. I've been around celebrities before and never felt the need to get an autograph, shake their hand or talk to them. Well, I was tempted to ask Keanu Reeves if there would ever be a Bill & Ted 3 but that's another story. This time however was different. So I took a deep breath...and made the girl I was with go ask his name. That's also how I roll. They talked a little bit, she got his name, and we rushed back home to look him up on IMDB.
From then on anytime I would see him in a role onscreen I would say "That's My Guy!". And he would get bigger and more prominent film roles ever since until finally he got his much deserved Oscar nomination. He has an amazing filmography, but hasn't been a leading man that often. If you want to see one, go check out Bug. It'll fuck you up (Spoiler! Ashley Judd gets naked).
And just what was he doing selling tickets at the Red Orchid that day? Well their website has this explanation:
"Michael has graced many stages here in Chicago but speaks proudly of his home at A Red Orchid Theatre. Michael was among the founding members and since 1993 has acted, directed, painted, promoted and scrubbed many a floor at A Red Orchid. Michaels memorable performances on the A Red Orchid Stage include Bug, Gagarin Way, Victims of Duty, Tis Pity She's a Whore, The Killer and his direction of Ionesco's Hunger and Thirst among so many others."
Michael Shannon? That's my boy!

RICKY: I'd like to just add my favorite things about both of your posts gentlemen.
1) Myles used the phrase "That's how I roll".
2) Paul, I read the word "serendipity" today.
3) And finally Paul, don't be ashamed of your love for Spawn son. If I can call myself out for picking The Last Action Hero over Jurassic Park I think you'll be alright.
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