*Admittedly I am not a big GI JOE fan, so I didn't do the research required to post on the internets. Ricky will clear up the Destro mask thing, but still...Chris Eccleston? I loved him in Shallow Grave, but as Destro? I'll tell you who he should be playing...Daniel Day Lewis!

Ricky: True dat true dat. First off I never had any thought that this movie was going to be good. It's going to suck and that's on the nation. Why? Exhibit A. It's directed by Stephen Sommers. Is that your boy? Numero Dos. it's got Marlon Wayans in it. Yep, when I think of a live action G.I. Joe movie I think they should cast this guy:
Lastly homeboys. Watch this clip here and save your money.
I'm going to have to correct you also. Destro is going to be in the movie with the mask on. You can see the toy version of him with his mask here. It's a pic of a toy so you can't judge it too much but have we seen anything about this movie that makes us confident it's going to be good.
Paul: I figured that Destro with the mask might be a reveal, or something like that. I just don't think that's a good actor for Destro either. When studio's are in pre-production on a film I think they have a choice of making the movie realistic (as all should be) or making it a live action cartoon. They obviously chose the latter. It's like I say about The Dark Knight...it's a drama with action in it, not an action picture with dramatic moments. GI JOE looks very WB to me. Now that CGI is so affordable all the cool kids are doing it, but as Chaos enthusiast Ian Malcolm (Is that your boy?) says about Jurassic Park's scientist..."they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should." That's how I feel about the look of this film. It's too glossy, too shiny. Too unrealistic.
And one second on Marlon Wayans. He was fantastic in Requiem for a Dream and I really thought he'd start getting into more dramatic roles after that. He didn't unfortunately, but seeing Marlon Wayons is more of a death sentence to a comedy than it is to a drama. Galactica Out.
Brett: Ok... yeah. I can't tell you the first thing about GI Joe. Wasn't a GI Joe kid (straight Star Wars) and I know the term "Kung-Fu Grip" exclusively from the commercials... That being said, I loves me a big summer blockbuster. Yes, I loved Armageddon. Yes, I loved Transformers (sans the 90's cop show action scene music), YES, I'm loving the Harry Potter flix, and YES, I'm will happily plunk down my $9.50 to see this movie. For the love of God... why would you even entertain the idea that GI JOE might have any value beyond the effects and action scenes. I want shiny. I want WB. I want hot woman and guns and planes and explosions and tech and all that. I wholly expect that $9 of my $9.50 is going to the effect house.
But, I have to honestly ask, is GI JOE a person ... Or is it a Pink Floyd thing. no idea. brett OUT!
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