What is my problem? What is my major malfunction? I've seen one of the most overrated movies about a fake Cuban, Scarface (you read that right it's overrated people), at least a dozen times while on the other hand here is a true story about real musical legends from my country and I never bothered to watch it until almost ten years after its release. I'm embarrased people. Mom and Pop you can hit me over the head with a chankleta anytime you want.
I'm going to be sappy here but I don't care because that's how much I loved this movie. This is one of those movies that as you're watching a smile begins to creep onto your face and by the end you're grinning ear to ear until the credits roll. This one's going up there alongside When We Were Kings and Hoop Dreams as one of my favorite documentaries ever. It definately has one of my favorite names I've ever heard, Compay Segundo. You only get that name if you're big time and Compay Segundo is Big Time.*
The whole band is Big Time. All of the musical performances are amazing and this one here is my favorite. The song is called "Candela" which translates to Fire. This shows the whole Buena Vista Social Club onstage in Amsterdam with several band members really getting a chance to shine. I can't recommend this movie enough peoples. I'm going to be real professional this week and watch it again with my Pops. If you're unsure as to whether you'll be into this movie why don't you check out the trailer. Alright. I'm not asking it, I'm saying it. Buena Vista Social Club. They are my boys.Paul: You were adamant about watching I Am Cuba however.
* I don't wait for old people, I don't wait for old people.
RICKY: Phillip Seymour Hoffman & Phillip Baker Hall in Hard Eight? Those are my guys!!! You know who's not my guy? The sonofabitch who I lent Hard Eight on DVD and I ain't seen it since. I'm looking for you. Now is this pre-Twister Hoffman or post?
And what I been saying about old people?
Ricky.... you are NOT my guy for having waited so long to see this... but you ARE my guy for manning up... like they say first step to recovery is knowing you have a problem... but yes this is mos def top 5 documentaries of all time... I even made my old school Mexicamn parents fans of Cuban Music and they are racist as hell!