I first saw the trailer to Timecrimes when I went to go see Let The Right One In last year. The trailer told me it was about time travel, it's in Spanish, and someone who looks like Darkman's brother is in it. I threw my 10 bucks at the screen and screamed, "I'm in! Dale Huevo!". For reasons that I can't recall now I ended up missing Timecrimes during it's theatrical run and wasn't even aware that it was out on DVD until my friend Patrick Garone told me he saw it. His review? "It's good. It's like Back To The Future Part 2 n'shit but in Spanish." Dale Huevo!!!
I finally hollered at that Timecrimes and I highly recommend it. Going into detail about the movie will definately spoil some of the fun surprises in there. Trust me, holler at this movie. Go ahead and check out the trailer for yourself and then holler at it on Netflix. It will do you no harm.
CHUD's review
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