Here's the teaser trailer to Christopher Nolan's new movie Inception. Based on this teaser the movie looks to be about....uh....weird moving water'n'shit. Apparently a crime happens in this movie and there's a hallway that forgot to have gravity installed in it. I'm in!
I'm not surprised by the marketing style of this one. After *M. Night Shyamalan's success with The Sixth Sense the studio did everything in their power to not tell you what his follow up film Unbreakable was about. All you needed to know was it starred Bruce Willis and Sam Jackson's jacked up afro.
Same thing seems to be happening here. We don't know what Inception is about but we all loved The Dark Knight so it's safe to say that this movie is going to open big. Still don't think so? Okay? How about this then? It stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Paul's boy!), Marion Cotillard (My girl!) and awwwww helll naw!? Did I see Tom Berenger's name in those credits too. I been waiting for him to come back ever since the great trailer for Shattered. Inception arrives in theaters on July 16, 2010.
The great trailer for Unbreakable:
Tom Berenger handling his bidness:
*I was nor am I in any way comparing the talent of M. Night Shymalan and Christopher Nolan. I want to make that clear as glass. Mr. Glass that is. And I'm out!
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