Well hello James Cameron. I want to thank you for joining us back here on the surface and no longer making documentaries about the Titanic. Can you believe that the last movie James Cameron directed was Titanic? That feels like it came out way back in 1997 because....well it came out way back in 1997. After 12 years Cameron is back with the long awaited ridiculously anticipated Avatar. Expectations are through the nerd-roof with this one partly because it's James Cameron and him not making a movie since the aforementioned (ooooh I used the word aforementioned today!) Titanic. Also much has been said, from Cameron himself at times, about the groundbreaking 3D technology we are going to be seeing in the movie. Well the trailer is out and what do I think?
I can't comment on the 3D aspect because the trailer isn't in 3D, but the visuals in this movie? Worrrrd. They are ridiculous. The landscapes, the Na'vi creatures, (those are the Blue aliens we see for all you nerds who haven't been following the pre-production of this movie and yes I did adjust my glasses as I wrote that), the Mech suits (similar to those seen in the Matrix Revolutions and thank you will I adjust my glasses again), the battles in the sky between the Na'vi and those military future-copters (also similar to those seen in The Incredibles and for the final Tri-force of Power I will just lower my glasses slightly and peer at you).
I am interested in seeing Cameron's vision of the military in the future. Movies are still ripping off today what he did with his vision of the military from Aliens. If we get anyone like Hudson or Hicks, (hell I'll even take Carter Burke!) here then Cameron could be crowned King yet again. Oh and did I mention Sigourney Weaver is in this? Lord. A. Mercy. You know what the more I'm writing this the more I'm believing that this movie is going to be great. Avatar arrives in theaters on December 18th. You can see the trailer at Apple by clicking here.
Myles: Is it ok to be disappointed? I know I'm going to get a lot of shit for this but really, I've been waiting 12 years for Cameron to make a film. 12 years!! And our first glimpse of his new movie looks like yet another Hollywood CG fest. I know it's just a teaser but still. And the plot? Let me guess, a soldier who can't walk transfers his mind into an "avatar" to go searching for something on another planet only to get lost, fall in love with the hostiles and join them in their fight against the humans. Am I close? I'm guessing I am.
But after having said all that the question is will it be any good? I'm guessing absofuckinglutely. This is Cameron after all. The guy hasn't made a bad movie yet. Yes even you Pirahna II. And lets not forget it will be in 3D which will guarantee to rape your eyeballs.
RICKY: It is okay to be disappointed Myles. It's a CG fest but it's Cameron who's in charge. That's the big difference. I don't think he's doing this just to show off his new toys. This isn't based on a video game, even though there will be a game coming out based on the movie and some shots look like they could belong in Turok Dinosaur Hunter (name drop!). He's had the story in his mind for quite some time but didn't want to make it because the technology wasn't there. You got the plot pretty right on. There might be some differences here and there but you could call this Dances With Na'vi. I can find another bad Cameron movie. How about The Abyss? Yeah I said it. You know why? Cause it ain't good.
PAUL: I knew that was coming...The Abyss rocks! You're crazy for thinking it doesn't. The Abyss adds to Cameron's collection of watershed moments in visual effects history. The Abyss water tentacle paved the way for the T-1000. Titanic obviously broke new ground in visual effects and I've got confidence that this movie will do likewise. I'm just hoping we get to see some Arturians!
PATRICK: I'd like to chime in here to say, I don't know how this movie cannot disappoint. I think James Cameron was well on his way to George Lucas-sized hubris by the time Titanic came out. The "King of the World" hasn't made a narrative film in 12 years, and stewing in your own success for a decade does not often make for great films. I'm afraid Avatar is going to be the tone-deaf, bloated, and self important work of an egotistical filmmaker who has had more success than is good for him. I hope I'm wrong, but I think Cameron is past making the lean, tight, unpretentious movies of his youth for which we all love him.
RICKY: I agree with what you said Paul but the effects didn't make The Abyss a good movie. The story is the main problem in The Abyss. The characters seem more like caricatures. Outside of Ed Harris, Michael Biehn (our boy!) and Mary Elizabeth Mastra-Mastro-you know who I'm talking about, the acting is pretty weak. You said yourself your favorite character in the movie is Tracy Chapman and she's hardly in it! James Cameron is not a director who I give a pass to because the effects outweigh the story. He is held to a higher standard as I'm sure every other nerd on here would agree. He belongs to the small class of directors who relies more on story and his ridonkulous groundbreaking effects on top of that to tell the story. I'm no way ready to put Cameron in George Lucas territory yet like Patrick. Cameron at least kept directing movies after his initial success. Lucas is still talkin' bout "I'm ready to step out the Star Wars universe BUT before I do I have this idea for a Star Wars TV show.". I got an idea George. Stop wearing plaid shirts.
PATRICK: The Abyss is when it started going downhill for me. Lot of good elements but not a cohesive movie. When a director starts getting too big to listen to people then you get big bloated movies like The Abyss or Titanic. Even Terminator 2 was too long. Compare that to Aliens or Terminator where there is really no time wasted at all. In fact, one can argue that some of those deleted scenes from Aliens should never have been cut at all.
The other thing about Avatar that looks annoying is that I have a suspicion that Cameron is working out some Vietnam bullshit as people his age like to do in sci-fi movies. Like George Lucas saying the Endor battle at the end of Return of the Jedi was a metaphor for Vietnam. Or Cameron himself saying a similar thing about Aliens and how it was like Vietnam because it was high tech weaponry failing against a low tech enemy. So, I suspect some of that is going to be a factor in Avatar. My question is, how sheltered are you when human beings from another culture are as exotic to you as space aliens? I like metaphor as much as the next guy but that is a crazy-ass leap.
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