Here he is doing what I love seeing him do. Chasing old rich white dudes with cameras. They can make that an Olympic event with just Moore competing. Alright now I support Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics. Cleeeeearrrly that was the deal breaker.
My one issue with a new Michael Moore movie is the same fear I had with the Bruno movie. How much will Moore be able to get away with on camera? Moore is such a recognizable face that his targets probbably know who he is by now and they are not going to talk to him. Chase them old rich white dudes any way Mike! I would but then I'd miss a day of work and wouldn't get paid, yadda yadda yadda. Take a look at the trailer for yourself peoples and if you see an old white dude on the street ask him, "Hey! Where's all my paper at son!"
Capitalism: A Love Story arrives in theaters on October 2nd. I hope that's a payday or else I can't afford to see it.
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