Monday, July 12, 2010

You Wouldn't Like Him When He's Sad

I'm a big fan of the recent batch of Marvel superhero movies that are slowly leading up to The Avengers in 2012. I really love all of the attempts to tie the movies together into a coherent and consistent story. I even enjoyed The Incredible Hulk, which had about everything you could want out of a Hulk movie. So, it's with great sadness that I read the recent news that the studio is going to "go another way" with the casting and not use Edward Norton for the Avengers movie. This is particularly sad because it was only a few years earlier that Eric Bana played the role and now it seems like there is an Incredible Hulk revolving door at Marvel. The Hulk is one of their most popular and enduring characters, so it would be nice to have a little more respect for him. After some sniping between the studio and Norton's agent, and some very douchey statement from Marvel, Norton released the following statement on his Facebook page:

To me, it seems a little senseless to go through all of the trouble of creating this great shared universe (unusual for big movies like these) with an eye towards details and interconnections, to go and capriciously replace major actors. It was obnoxious when they did it with Terrance Howard in Iron Man II (I was really looking forward to hearing how his sweet falsetto voice sounded coming out of War Machine) and it's even worse when it is someone who was actually the main character in his movie. It's always very distracting for an audience who had been invested in a character to start over with a brand new actor in that character. Just ask Julienne Moore.

If you're Clarice then my name is Odin.

As a show of solidarity, I am going to go pick up the Bluray for The Incredible Hulk. Well, as soon as I can find it for under $15.

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