Well it's October so the horror movies trailers are going to be in full swing. First up, it's the return of every one's favorite child murderer Freddy Krueger in the remake of "A Nightmare On Elm Street". Does anybody else think it's strange that Jackie Earl Haley is starting to corner the market on scary sick bastards? Has he called his agent and said "Hey look man, I ain't doing no movie unless I'm touching little boys or killing'em! Got it! Click." He creeped us out as Ronnie in Little Children(was he a creep or was he just trying to cool off?) and now he's gonna creep you out as Freddy Krueger (is he a creep or is he the man of your dreams?). You can't deny it's great casting though. It's also good to see my boy Clancy Brown in the trailer as well. Good ol' Captain Hadley. He'll always have a special place in my heart as the Shawshank prison guard I'm glad I never had. And you know what? Those are about the only things that got me interested in this trailer. The way I see it as soon as I hear the word "remake" in a movie description you've already got two strikes against you. Basically you get to relive all the favorite moments from the original (look he's got the red striped sweater! I wonder if they'll show us where he got it from?) or in the case of the Halloween remakes you turn them off and hope John Carpenter goes all Michael Myers on Rob Zombie. I know New Line/Platinum Dunes, have carved out the horror remake angle but maybe they can use Freddy's glove to carve out something you know, original. Check the trailer out for yourself kids. A Nightmare On Elm Street arrives in theaters April 30, 2010.
Man, I'm hoping this will be good based on the strength of the premise. I love me some Nightmare on Elm St.