Let’s get this out of the way. I’m not a fan of westerns. I can’t relate to them in the same sense that I can’t relate to musicals or movies set in Victorian times. And if a musical Victorian era movie ever gets made my head is gonna have a Scanners moment.
Josh Brolin may be the new go to when it comes to casting the role of a ”sonumbitch”. You just think “sonumbitch” when you see him. His teeth look like rotten corn. His beard looks like chewed up food, tumbleweeds, and “El Guapo” from The Three Amigos should be hanging from it.
Matt Damon! When I saw this trailer in the theater and he showed up onscreen I kept wanting to yell “Silverado! Silverado!”
But if this isn’t gonna be Jeff Bridges knocking it out of the park then you might be missing an eye just like Rooster Cogburn. If a Terminator could exist in the wild west I would imagine it would be in the mold of Jeff Bridges as Rooster Cogburn. The relationship between him and Hailee Steinfeld’s character just seems John Connor-esque.
Hailee Steinfeld……somewhere Dakota Fanning sits, plotting, rubbing her hands together, wondering, “Who this B@&h think she is?”
True Grit opens on Christmas Day. It’s directed by the Coen Brothers. Never heard of’em.
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