Somehow people have put it in their heads that if you tell them you saw the LOST finale that's an open invitation for them to then tell you:
A) They loved it.
B) They hated it.
C) No Ricky I didn't dress up as Kate to watch it.

Now say what you will about the episode, dressing up as Kate ranks right up there when I dressed up as Kirstie Alley for the final episode of Cheers. And I had the outfit first Evangeline.
Looking back, I think about the finale of LOST the same way I think about sex, "It's over now. Let's move on. Why can't I stop crying?" It's no coincidence that the last thought is a question. LOST was about questions. Some were answered. Others were not. Here's a pretty solid list of questions that were not answered as asked by College Humor's Jeff Rubin.
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