Everything about this movie has me excited about this movie except the actual movie? Does that make sense? I am excited to see Jeff Bridges, excuse me, Academy Award winning actor Jeff Bridges allow me to get that dirt off your shoulders son! I am excited to hear Daft Punk's soundtrack. And 3D! I haven't been this excited to watch a movie in 3D since-....well shit since Avatar! Am I excited for the story of TRON though? Not really. I wasn't a huge fan of the original TRON. I loved the light cycle sequence, I was into their crazy future version of electro-frisbee, and if you can pull off a neon glowing suit you got some style but once the story started I was out. I got that same scary feeling after watching this trailer. Get rid of that opening dialogue sequence and get us in the computer world! Quit jibba-jabbing! I don't want to hate on this too early. I'll relax. I'll give TRON the benefit of the doubt.
Hey quick question, is the lead in this movie the kid from Four Brothers? I hope so cause that's going to give me time to bust out my world famous Mark Wahlberg "I wanna know who killed my moms!" Four Brothers impression. Ask me to do it for you the next time you see me. It's pretty solid. TRON Legacy starring Academy Award winner Jeff Bridges and that one brother from Four Brothers opens in theaters on December 17, 2010.
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